LIFE with Vultures

Saving Griffon Vultures in Cyprus through
concrete conservation actions

Griffon Vultures used to be a common sight in Cypriot skies. Today, with only 20 birds remaining in the wild, their fate is in our hands. The threats they are facing are all caused by human activity and are predominantly preventable. 


LIFE with Vultures is a targeted conservation project for the protection of the Griffon Vulture in Cyprus. In this four-year endeavor (2019-2023), BirdLife Cyprusthe Game and Fauna Service, Terra Cypria – The Cyprus Conservation Foundation and the Vulture Conservation Foundation have joined forces to tackle the main threats facing the Griffon Vulture and prevent Cyprus’ most threatened bird of prey from going extinct. The project has a 1,375,861 budget and is co-funded (60%) by the EU’s LIFE programme. 

The LIFE with Vultures project

Project Objectives


The project aims to reduce the mortality of Griffon Vultures by addressing key direct threats. Specifically, it aims to reduce the illegal use of poisons as one of the most critical reason for mortality, reduce the mortality risk from collision with overhead electricity wires and increase availability of safe food sources by increasing (and better managing) the provision of supplementary feeding.


The project aims to enhance population viability via restocking, once the main threats have been addressed. This will be achieved by releasing birds brought in from Spain, following well-established practices for introducing them into the local environment.


The project aims to fill knowledge gaps related to the threats facing the Griffon Vulture and enhance the national technical and operational capacity of the relevant authorities to protect and manage the Griffon Vulture population in Cyprus effectively.


The project aims to improve stakeholders’ awareness on the importance of the species and the need for its conservation, and to establish a national functioning network of actors related to nature conservation.


Co-funded by

The LIFE with Vultures project

The Griffon Vulture

What is threatening the Griffon Vulture?

The Anti-Poison Dog Units

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