
Wildlife crime investigation: The first seminar in Cyprus

Wildlife poisoning and the use of poison baits are serious crimes that are often overlooked and not prosecuted effectively. Through CSI, forensic science and judicial processes, the Regional Government of Andalusia reduced illegal wildlife poisoning incidents by 80% over the last 15 years. On 22 and 23 June, experts from the Regional Government of Andalusia

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Ειδικά εκπαιδευμένοι σκύλοι επιστρατεύονται στη μάχη ενάντια στα δηλητήρια

Μετά από ενάμιση χρόνο εντατικής εκπαίδευσης στην Ελλάδα, οι δυο σκυλίτσες Sofie και Dixie ράτσας Border Collie έχουν έρθει στην Κύπρο για να αλλάξουν τα δεδομένα στην αντιμετώπιση της παράνομης χρήσης δηλητηριασμένων δολωμάτων στην ύπαιθρο. Οι δύο Ομάδες Ανίχνευσης Δηλητηριασμένων Δολωμάτων, οι πρώτες του είδους τους στην Κύπρο, έχουν δημιουργηθεί στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος LIFE «Ζωή

Ειδικά εκπαιδευμένοι σκύλοι επιστρατεύονται στη μάχη ενάντια στα δηλητήρια Read More »

Four Griffon Vulture pairs already active this breeding season

Like many large birds of prey, Griffon Vultures get ready to breed long before the first signs of spring. As early as mid-December, they begin pairing and copulating. By January, the nest is ready to welcome a pair’s one and only egg. Following this natural rhythm, and however wintery the weather might be, our monitoring

Four Griffon Vulture pairs already active this breeding season Read More »

How dangerous power lines can be made safer for birds

Overhead power lines can often have negative impacts for wildlife – especially birds. Collisions with these structures are responsible for the death of millions of birds throughout the world, especially raptors and other large birds, and have the potential to negatively affect their populations. With a continuously expanding power line network, it is becoming increasingly

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